Staff Fire Awareness Training

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What does Staff Fire Awareness Training Entail?

Graham Fire Protection will provide your staff with the basic knowledge required of them to ensure an appropriate response in the event of a fire incident in their premises. It will allow staff to:

  • Recognise the threat of "uncontrolled" fire within a building
  • Understand the duties of the Responsible Person and Employee
  • Show an awareness of the chemistry of combustion
  • Understand the cause of fire and how to minimise the risk
  • Have an awareness of the fire protection measures
  • Respond correctly to a fire alarm

Why does my business need Staff Fire Awareness Training?

Current fire safety legislation places a duty upon employers to ensure that your staff receive adequate fire safety training when they are first employed and periodically thereafter.

An appropriate and timely response by motivated  and well trained staff in an emergency situation could mean the difference between someone losing their life or a business closing down.

Having well trained staff who are equipped with an appropriate level of knowledge and understanding of fire and its consequences is an asset to any business and a demonstration by the employer, of your commitment toward the education and protection of your workforce and those who may visit your premises.

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Please contact us at any time for advice or a free audit, recommendations and quotation for your premises.

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Graham Fire Protection Ltd
Welton Road Ind Est
PH10 6NP